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End of Life Services and Memorials


Meeting and Interviewing

Meeting with you, your family and the loved ones of the departed to discuss your vision of what the ceremony should consist of and what you may know of your loved one's desires and beliefs. Interviewing individuals to learn of personal stories and information that may e included in the service.

Personalize Composition

Assisting you in choosing from readings, music, rituals, and funeral customs from your desired traditions that reflect the beliefs and values of your loved one.

Other Service Providers

Contacting and working with other service providers you have chosen to ensure the service is what you desire it to be.


On-going communications with you by phone, e-mail, and in-person sessions until the Service is created and meets with your satisfaction.


Officiating Celebration of Life Service we have co-created in honour of your Loved One. 


Keepsake Service Copy provided.

Frequently asked Questions

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